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Research is something that is important in any career. Research can be starting projects to find new data in a field or can be a collection of knowledge that is already documented. Research looks slightly different in each field, and below are examples of event research and research in the social sciences. 

Event Research 

A major part of events is research, strategy, and finding prices of different elements.  Below are three examples of research that I have participated in as part of past jobs, competitions, and classes. 


UVU School of Business || 2022

Polished in a woman-led conference that allows students to learn from professionals in the business industry. As an event assistant, I was in charge of event research.  The research primarily focused on the amenities for the guests and the speakers. The displayed research projects include researching fanny packs and stickers as viable options for an item to give to all students attending and what designs would be chosen. 

Fanny Pack Ideas - Google Docs-1.jpg

Fanny Pack Research 


Fanny Pack Final Product 

Polished Sticker Ideas-1.jpg

Sticker Research 

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Sticker Final Design 

Utah Arts Education Training Conference

PCMA Student Competition || 2022

Each year PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association) hosts a student competition where teams present a proposal for an event that fits the theme. The theme for the 2022 competition was "hybrid events." Our team created an event to train Utah art teachers with new techniques and new ways of teaching students as a part of teacher development. To see the full proposal, click on the icon below. 

PCMA image-1.jpg

IAVM Venue Connect Proposal 

Class Project || 2021

In the class "Event Venue and Convention Management," the final project was to create a mock proposal for the IAVM (International Association of Venue Managers) Venue Connect 2022. This required researching Washington DC and the Walter E Washington Convention Center as viable locations for the conference. To see the full proposal, click on the pdf icon below. 


Social Science Research 

Research is something that a college student is required to do to learn more in their field. Below are examples of research that I have participated in as part of classes and independent research. 

Texting Talk: A Study on the Language of Texting

Western Regional Honors Conference || 2024

UVU Sculpt Showcase || 2023

In my research project titled "Texting Talk: A Study on the Language of Texting," I used interpretive interview data to compare the generational understanding of emojis and other texting shortcuts. The research project was inspired by a unit in my Intercultural Communication class about cross-cultural communication barriers. The research included interviews with over 70 individuals from different generations ranging from Boomers to Generation Z. The research showed that there are generational differences in the ways people text. To see the poster, click on the icon below. 

Texting Talk

Centro Hispano Executive Summary

Research Summary || 2023

As part of my Intercultural communication class at Utah Valley University, I completed a team interpretive research project with a community partner, Centro Hispano. Our research analyzed the community impact of Centro Hispano and investigated what public opinion was on potentially changing the location.  To see the whole executive summary, click on the icon below.


Life Span Case Study 

Case Study || 2023

As part of my Human Life Span class at Utah Valley University, I completed a case study of human life. The case study tells the story of a fictional girl as she goes through life. At each stage of her life, it talks about her physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development. The development she goes through is all things that scientifically happen in the average human life span.  To see the whole case study, click on the icon below.


Coping Differences in Adolescent Boys and Gender Role Socialization

Research Proposal || 2022

In my Research Methods class at Utah Valley University, I proposed a research project studying coping differences in adolescent boys and gender role socialization. The proposal uses pre-existing research to show that there are coping differences in males and females. The proposed research would investigate how fully gender role socialization effects coping. To see the full proposal, click on the pdf icon below. 

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